I've written a book and it's not very good. There, I said it.
I'm giving it one last chance, because I have reason to believe that it has some redeeming features. I have plenty of other things to do if it doesn't work out, but it's been a saga and it needs an end. There's a lot of back story here, but you'll have to wait for that. Let's just say that Seb Coe put together the best Olympics ever in about the same time it's taken me to get to this point.
So this blog is about the rewrite, or to put it more accurately the rebuild, of my first book. I promise to be honest, and I'll be as regular a poster as a full-time finder-of-better-things-to-do can be. There's a reason it's taken this long.
Feel free to laugh, make suggestions or just throw things. If I really wanted to talk to myself I wouldn't be here. And if it all goes quiet, don't worry; I've just reverted to type.